#CDCUSTOMCONTEST!!!!! VIP STANCE BUILDS Can we get some more people?

I am exited to announce the theme of the next #CDCUSTOMCONTEST. The theme will be VIP stance cars. the same rules apply from the last contest. You can customize any brand as long as its 1/64th scale. basically, what you gotta do for this is make your car as clean looking as possible, and slam the crap out of it with some fresh looking wheels. The contest will go on for 2 weeks (I’m giving you 2 weeks to make your cars). Post them up somewhere within the 2 weeks with the tag #CDCUSTOMCONTEST in the title of the post. I will be judging the customs on Monday the 9th (next month). No there is no prize cuz i’m broke (still).

Illustration for article titled #CDCUSTOMCONTEST!!!!! VIP STANCE BUILDS Can we get some more people?
Illustration for article titled #CDCUSTOMCONTEST!!!!! VIP STANCE BUILDS Can we get some more people?
Illustration for article titled #CDCUSTOMCONTEST!!!!! VIP STANCE BUILDS Can we get some more people?
Illustration for article titled #CDCUSTOMCONTEST!!!!! VIP STANCE BUILDS Can we get some more people?
Illustration for article titled #CDCUSTOMCONTEST!!!!! VIP STANCE BUILDS Can we get some more people?

Have fun. May the lowest win!