
Illustration for article titled Previews

After my trip to the BMW CCA Foundation for their Heroes of Bavaria display I stopped by the Zentrum. I was surprised to find this M collection of 4 cars in beautiful 1/64!


I’ll photograph them properly soon. But they appear to be on par with Kyosho at least!

Then there’s this very cheap toy truck I found at Kmart. I think it was $8.50 or so and it came with 4 ugly little cars. But, that cab looks very good, and the ramps and everything look pretty good too! I’ve been needing a modern hauler to use with more modern cars.


In the first shot you can see how it looks right out of the box. In the second image you can see I’ve added some weathering and dirt, and some hydraulics. They may not be super-accurate, but they look kind of cool. It just needed more mechanical details. I’ll be using this truck quite a bit in future photos! I was glad to discover both of these unexpected finds last week!

Illustration for article titled Previews
Illustration for article titled Previews