Lake Haul

Spent the weekend at the lake and oh boy was it hot hit triple digits all three days. It was so hot we spent most of the time under AC to keep cool watching movies and such. Of course I hit a couple of Wal-Mart stores and here is what I picked up.

Illustration for article titled Lake Haul

I have passed on the Tesla in the past and decided it was time. I love the white tires on the Snowstormers Fiesta. I will probably end up with the whole hot wheels garage line at some point. I don’t think the Charger or the two Z’s need much explanation. Ok so why would we got to the lake when we knew it was going to be so hot. Well we had to look at this, see below. It is not a done deal but should happen in the next couple of weeks with the Cajun and the paddle boat I am pretty sure this constitutes a fleet so I might be an Admiral or even a Commodore now. It is a 1984 22 foot Laguna. Big shout out to vdubyajohn for not telling me I was crazy for looking at picking up a sail boat

Illustration for article titled Lake Haul