Superfly Entry: Miggy's Food Truck

Illustration for article titled Superfly Entry: Miggys Food Truck

Here’s a build post of my Custom submitted at Superfly’s Hotwheels Competition.

So first of all, I don’t have much pics but. Here’s all i got. Second, It’s a Hotwheels Dodge Ram 1500. And i added wide rear flared to the body from a Hotwheels Mixer.

Illustration for article titled Superfly Entry: Miggys Food Truck

So let’s get to the part where i paint them.

So basically my theme is White Yellow And Blue.

Painted the base yellow, interior blue, body white.

As you can see in the picture... The food truck at the back was scratch built using Sintra Board. And it can move. I used a hinge or you can also use pins.


So here it is!

Illustration for article titled Superfly Entry: Miggys Food Truck

The design was stickers. I didn’t have much time if i painted it instead.

It is also detailed inside with shelfs and a Coca Cola Dispenser seen at the finished product.


So here is the Finished Product!

Illustration for article titled Superfly Entry: Miggys Food Truck

So basically, That’s it!

Alright!, what do you think? Do i have a chance? Haha! @darvz_customs
