HWEP Explosion!

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I had such a good time with this exchange! R32rennsport sent me a box full of awesomeness, pictured above. I can’t tell you how excited I am to have all of these in my collection. It’s impossible to pick a favorite, but the Falken Supra and the MBX 1M are in the lead. Super cool.

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philipilihp sent me the Kenmeri Skyline I have been looking so hard for, and it is great to finally have this thing in my hands! The Toyota Truck was a RAOK, and I love it. It will be taking a place in my 12-year old son’s growing collection, and he is beyond stoked.

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And last, but by no means least, came this beauty from samanosuke817. Actually seeing this Flying Customs Porsche and holding it brings back such great memories of being a kid in the ‘80’s and of what Hot Wheels were like back then. The metal base, basic wheels, and the general weight of it... this is truly a car that 9-year-old me would have chosen to chuck at my sister (actually, the Kenmeri would work great as well). Hold on, I gotta go chase some kids off my lawn.


Anyway, thanks to all three of my trade partners. A couple more potential HWEP friends have chimed in since then, and I am looking forward to trading more. Thanks for reading y’all.