Future Friday

For any of you old enough to remember VCR’s,sony walkmans and a personal phone that weighed ten pounds then maybe you remember a niche obscure movie called Cherry 2000.The film was a touching story love story about a man on a quest to rescue his stolen sex robot (tear) all the way in the distant future of 2017!.Well this is another custom I picked up earlier from Johnspangler.com and it looks like it could be an extra on the set of Mad Max.The front of the car in the movie gets burnt and I think he nails the bullet holes.This is the trackers car he hires to run across the desert played by a younger Melanie Griffith in 1987.

Illustration for article titled Future Friday
  • From the winch in the front down to the center dual exit exhausts,to the mud and you can’t forget those Yokohama Super Diggers this car was done correctly!

Illustration for article titled Future Friday

Have a great Friday LaLd’ers!