[CUSTOM] Hot Wheels Gotta Go - Taco Bell Exclusive

A little while ago, I was messing around in Photoshop and came up with what I called a ‘Taco Bell Exclusive’ Gotta Go. I don’t think I need to explain the choice of casting... Haha

Over the weekend, I finished up the real deal. It’s a custom color changing Gotta Go. Turns from brown to green under heat. Some ‘details’ disappear under heat as well.


Where did this come from? I don’t know. Maybe I’m tired of seeing the same old theme just on different castings. Maybe I’m tired of ‘patina’ cars. Maybe I’m nuts. Who knows. Regardless, I Gotta Go. ;)

Gotta Go - Cool
Gotta Go - Cool
Gotta Go - Warm
Gotta Go - Warm

Here’s a short video of the color change.