Proof of concept...

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Sometimes the madness overcomes you, and you have to follow the muse, wherever she may lead you. I was admiring the MBX ‘59 Chevy wagon wheel swap I had done, when I noticed it was sitting next to an MBX Citroen CX estate, currently hauling the Hitch-N-Tow Airstream. The muse spoke, and soon I was at the table, figuring out how to add a trailer hitch to the Chevy. The concept was to have something that would slide easily in between the base and the body without modification, and leave a strong enough platform to hold the trailer.

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As a test, I used the lead foil from a wine bottle, folded over for additional strength, then slid in the gap, folded down, and trimmed to the triangular shape seen above. An old axle wire provided the post.

Illustration for article titled Proof of concept...

Please excuse the blurricam shot. But you can see how it is rigged, and it does hold the trailer fairly well, even under load. I’ll refine this a bit, and let everyone know how it works out. And it looks right, even though the Chevy seems a bit under scale for the trailer. Thanks for looking!