LaLD Car Week: 1/64 'Murica Monday

This was a really hard choice for me. Maisto’s classic American cars are great for the price, but I also have many choices of American 1/64. For those of you who don’t know, I have a true 1/64 diorama, and since I live in America, true 1/64 is American cars. So many AW, M2, JL, etc. to choose from. So I went with my only HW 100%.

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So I decided to go with the classy 1932 Duesenberg SJ. When you think of American cars, it conjures up pictures of unrefined brutes with large power outputs from a million liter V8 or V10.

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This is just that car. Well, except the unrefined part. The supercharged 6.9 liter straight-eight produces a whopping 320hp. That may sound sarcastic, but it really isn’t. A Cadillac V-16 (twice the cylinders) from that time produced 165hp (half the power). And the numbers show it: 0-60 in ~8 seconds and 0-100 in 17 seconds (!!!). Top speed? Between 135 and 140 mph.

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Hot Wheels replicated that engine in stunning fashion, especially when you consider this is 1/64.

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Paintwork is overall crisp and clean, with only minor blurring, which is pretty good considering the 2-tone paint.

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The badge is bent, but what is more impressive is how well it is done.

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What is more stunning is the interior. If you look close, you can see the dials! No, they’re not painted, but it is 1/64. The steering wheels is “metal” and “wood”.

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I also love the plate on the back. Just a little detail they didn’t have to do, but did it anyways.

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While it may seem disproportionately thin, it is scale correct. The car’s just big.

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My only complaint is the wheels. They’re clear plastic surrounded by rubber, with the spokes printed on.

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The best part? This car was free. Sort of. My neighbor (the one who gives me all my RedLines) gave it to me because I did “an extra good job mowing”. On eBay, these go for around $7, which I still consider a steal for what you get.