Teutonic Tuesday: My First Hot Wheels Edition

This car has a very, very special place in my heart. I’ve had this car longer than I can remember. I got it from my uncle when I turned 6 months old, or so the story goes.

Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: My First Hot Wheels Edition

It is a Mercedes-Benz 540K and is a large part of my love of Stuttgart brand. What make this car even more special is that this car is actually a Treasure Hunt. It gives me chills thinking that my first HW is a Mercedes Treasure Hunt. Coincidence? I think not.

Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: My First Hot Wheels Edition

The top and windshield are missing, the base is loose and has lost its shine, the wheels have lost their chrome, but this car is priceless. It has survived 16 years, 2 moves, and countless hours of play.

Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: My First Hot Wheels Edition

Considering all that, I’d say that this car has survived remarkably well. Either way, this car is truly a Treasure (Hunt).