Stay Truckin, Sunday

Hey, that’s today! :D I hope you are having a great weekend. Here are a couple of trucks. I had to get the Landy out for a test drive.

I hope you enjoy!

She may not look like it, but she’s got 250k miles on her. Got her for a steal on eBay:D
She may not look like it, but she’s got 250k miles on her. Got her for a steal on eBay:D
Photo: DoD
Gotta get the Landy out for a quick day trip.
Gotta get the Landy out for a quick day trip.
Photo: DoD
Illustration for article titled Stay Truckin, Sunday
Photo: DoD
ahhhhh peace and quiet.... in Chicago :D
ahhhhh peace and quiet.... in Chicago :D
Photo: DoD