The HW 2017 Ford GT! And it might be a SUPER TH!!!

Illustration for article titled The HW 2017 Ford GT! And it might be a SUPER TH!!!

T-Hunted got their hands on some HW at renderings of the HW 2016 Ford GT. And boy, it looks great. It appears that it will debut in it’s signature blue, AND if you look at the front, you’ll notice that there’s no upsloped chin. But there’s one more thing . . . .

Illustration for article titled The HW 2017 Ford GT! And it might be a SUPER TH!!!

According to T-Hunted, this car will debut as a SUPER TH!! This isn’t initially unexpected, considering how much buzz the car got in the US. HOWEVER, it’s unknown if that’s actually true, as I haven’t seen an official HW press release to verify the claims. What do you think, LaLD? Do you think the new Ford GT will debut as a super? Or think it’s just a rumor?