Potential HWEP Material!

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Illustration for article titled Potential HWEP Material!
Illustration for article titled Potential HWEP Material!
Illustration for article titled Potential HWEP Material!
Illustration for article titled Potential HWEP Material!

Recently, I realize that my collection has grown out of control. I have over 400 cars, and around 150 in my trade pile with no ascertainable focus. After looking through all of my stuff, I realized that the only things that were in the permanent collection were the older models, because that’s what I enjoy the most. So I’ve decided to put my entire “Golden Age of Matchbox” collection up for HWEP, but only for older (pre 1988) models, namely from Matchbox, Corgi, Tomica, Solido, and Dinky, but I’m open to anything as long as it’s older. Of course, they’re a few exceptions; I’m also looking for French cars and TLV. If you have any of those or what close ups of any of my MBX, let me know!