Edu-petrolhead pick of the day

Today, in the menu, Mustangs!

As entrée, Greenlight's Hollywood on Wheels Bullit Mustang. The details on this model are incredible:

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Illustration for article titled Edu-petrolhead pick of the day

I recreated the famous chase scene in 1/64 also!


The plat du jour is the 1965 Mustang Shelby GT350. Chef M2 did an awesome job in this model, everything is perfect. I love how M2 fits a small wind breaker (well, it is called quebra vento in portuguese, literally wind breaker) in the doors, and glues plastic head and tail lights.

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Illustration for article titled Edu-petrolhead pick of the day
Illustration for article titled Edu-petrolhead pick of the day

The dessert is also a Greenlight, but a rare Under the Hood club (similar to Hot Wheels' RLC) Mustang. Nice detailing also

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Illustration for article titled Edu-petrolhead pick of the day
Illustration for article titled Edu-petrolhead pick of the day

The full menu then

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Illustration for article titled Edu-petrolhead pick of the day

Bonus: After this three meal course, you were still hungry, so you grabbed this crêpe Hot Wheels Vintage Racing Mustang in your way out

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Illustration for article titled Edu-petrolhead pick of the day