Edu-petrolhead 1/18 pick of the day

Following a suggestion from a reader, I'll try to feature, everyday, a 1/18 models I want but I don't have the money to buy, haha.

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I'll begin this series with an astounding model from Exoto, the 1988 Jaguar XJ-R9 LM For sale for $386.75 at Exoto's website, the price is proportional to the incredible amount of detail and effort they put in this model. It's a bit hard to get big photos on Exoto's page, so I google the model and I'm posting pictures I found of it.

Illustration for article titled Edu-petrolhead 1/18 pick of the day
Illustration for article titled Edu-petrolhead 1/18 pick of the day
Illustration for article titled Edu-petrolhead 1/18 pick of the day
Illustration for article titled Edu-petrolhead 1/18 pick of the day
Illustration for article titled Edu-petrolhead 1/18 pick of the day
Illustration for article titled Edu-petrolhead 1/18 pick of the day
Illustration for article titled Edu-petrolhead 1/18 pick of the day
Illustration for article titled Edu-petrolhead 1/18 pick of the day

It looks perfect!