Double HAWL post: A mini and an improbable one

Illustration for article titled Double HAWL post: A mini and an improbable one

Greetings, fellow collectors! It has been a while since my last post, and I apologize for this. This weeked I took a good amount of pictures, and until friday I'll give you two reviews.


Today I'll post about my last two HAWLs. Starting with a mini HAWL, in a toy store known for unethical actions, like opening the boxes in secret, stashing the supers, T-Hunts and movie cars, and selling off-shop for a few selected collectors for a higher price. However, toy shops aren't common where I live, and the smaller ones are many batches in retard. So I was stunned when I found 3 THE HOMERS in the same greedy shop! And for the normal price! In the pegs!!! I bought two, and one of them is up for trade.

Illustration for article titled Double HAWL post: A mini and an improbable one

I also found that lovely Porsche. It isn't the better looking orange one, but this red is rad as well. For iHWEP offers, I'll take pictures of what I have left for trade and post in the near future.


The second HAWL is a funny story. I went to a supermarket to buy dog food. I gave the usual quick glance to the Hot Wheels pegs but they had less than 50 models. So I proceeded to the dog food aisle. I grabbed the packet and paid for it. Then I went to the food court (brazilian supermarkets are almost mini-malls) to join my father, when something in a tobacco shop / magazine stand (common combo here) caught my eye:

Illustration for article titled Double HAWL post: A mini and an improbable one

They had lots of M2!!!! And for the usual price! It's very, very rare to find M2 in toy shops, and when I find them, they only have 4 or 5 models. That shop had over 20 different models, all of them superb! But since M2 aren't cheap (R$50 each) I bought only 3.

So, M2 Monday photodump!

Illustration for article titled Double HAWL post: A mini and an improbable one
Illustration for article titled Double HAWL post: A mini and an improbable one
Illustration for article titled Double HAWL post: A mini and an improbable one
Illustration for article titled Double HAWL post: A mini and an improbable one
Illustration for article titled Double HAWL post: A mini and an improbable one
Illustration for article titled Double HAWL post: A mini and an improbable one
Illustration for article titled Double HAWL post: A mini and an improbable one
Illustration for article titled Double HAWL post: A mini and an improbable one
Illustration for article titled Double HAWL post: A mini and an improbable one
Illustration for article titled Double HAWL post: A mini and an improbable one
Illustration for article titled Double HAWL post: A mini and an improbable one
Illustration for article titled Double HAWL post: A mini and an improbable one