Studebaker Saturday

Some days ago I posted photos of my shelves asking you what I should photograph next. This is the first post of this series, with one of the favorites of the crowd: The 2011 First Editions '63 Studebaker Champ! When this model was announced for the 2011 line, I was completely crazy for it, and managed to find the three color variations on the stores.


This casting was only released in the next years in some special series, and it's returning to the mainline this year in the Heat Fleet subseries, with flame tampos. Too bad they don't come anymore with the best tires ever, with the small Goodyear logo. Enjoy!

Illustration for article titled Studebaker Saturday
Illustration for article titled Studebaker Saturday
Illustration for article titled Studebaker Saturday
Illustration for article titled Studebaker Saturday
Illustration for article titled Studebaker Saturday
Illustration for article titled Studebaker Saturday
Illustration for article titled Studebaker Saturday