Gave myself a treat

I just finished my first paper!!! The star I’m studying on my master’s is a binary, so I analyzed each star separately. Since I already completed what I had to do with one of them, I wrapped it all in my first paper! So, it was a good reason for a treat...

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From Curitiba Customs, a Kyosho Alfa Romeo 155 V6 DTM!!!! The paper isn’t fully finished yet. I wrote the first draft, and the two co-authors (my advisor and a colleague from other university who wrote some of the codes I used) will make their suggestions and corrections. After that, I’ll submit it to the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, and them will choose 3 scientists to scrutinize my work to check if I did everything all right, and make suggestions and questions about the conclusions.

But, I’m not worried with this (yet). I’m immensely glad for writing my first full-fledged scientific article!


Below is the title and abstract. The title isn’t yet the final, because it’s a bit longer than the 45 character limit. The results and conclusions are the final :D

Illustration for article titled Gave myself a treat