Roving Rover announcement

Roving Rover is back! The date of the Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Astronomical Society is drawing near, and we both are going to Ouro Preto, an historical city on the state of Minas Gerais. This weekend, at the 27th, I’m boarding to this town, and I’ll try to get as many photos I can.

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Roving Rover is ready, and I’m almost there. Ouro Preto (literally Black Gold) is a very old town, from the time we were a Portugal’s colony. It was a tremendously rich city, because it was where the gold mining was administered. Most buildings are from the XVIII and XIX centuries, and there are churches adorned with pure gold sheets:

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Illustration for article titled Roving Rover announcement
Illustration for article titled Roving Rover announcement
Illustration for article titled Roving Rover announcement

I’m staying at a small hotel from the colonial era. I’m very glad to go to Ouro Preto, because I always wanted to discover this city! Plus, Minas Gerais is the land of the Pão de Queijo (roughly cheese-loaf or cheese puffs), a type of bread made with cheese which is simply delicious! Nothing beats a true Minas’ pão de queijo. I found a recipe in english, and the reviews are pretty positive. If you have the opportunity, please try to make them.

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