Bread box week - Turbo smörgåsbröd låda vecka

I hope Google Translate handled “sandwich bread box” right on the title. Needless to say, the Volvo 850 is a box on wheels, the fastest box on wheels. Ladies and Gentlemen, the AutoArt Volvo 850 T5-R Estate, in glorious 1:18 scale.

Illustration for article titled Bread box week - Turbo smörgåsbröd låda vecka

One of the hardest things you can ask to a gearhead is “what’s your favorite car?”. Well, after meditating for years under a waterfall on the mountains, I can say the turbobrick is my favorite car. Pretty much everyone that knows me IRL knows that too, because I can’t stop talking about it, how I want one, and how I’m always looking for 850's on Brazilian classifieds. Knowing how much I adore this car, my brother got this beauty for me on my birthday some years ago.

Illustration for article titled Bread box week - Turbo smörgåsbröd låda vecka
Illustration for article titled Bread box week - Turbo smörgåsbröd låda vecka
Illustration for article titled Bread box week - Turbo smörgåsbröd låda vecka
Illustration for article titled Bread box week - Turbo smörgåsbröd låda vecka
Your typical AutoArt level of detail here
Your typical AutoArt level of detail here
Taking photos with flash sucks, but it was the only way to capture the majesty of its interior
Taking photos with flash sucks, but it was the only way to capture the majesty of its interior
Illustration for article titled Bread box week - Turbo smörgåsbröd låda vecka
Always cool to take photos of 1:87s with 1:18s
Always cool to take photos of 1:87s with 1:18s
Illustration for article titled Bread box week - Turbo smörgåsbröd låda vecka
Illustration for article titled Bread box week - Turbo smörgåsbröd låda vecka