LaLD crew, I want your feedback!

Hey guys, sorry for the absence, I’ve been working in some projects and I don’t have much time for the collecting hobby... First of all, a RLC Beach Bomb for your trouble.

Illustration for article titled LaLD crew, I want your feedback!

The Ph.D. qualification is taking pretty much my entire time, but I somehow managed to find spare time to write a short science fiction story that was on my mind. And this is exactly where I want your feedback.

I want this story to be the best it could. I think the first two thirds are well written, but I feel the ending need some improvements. Also, since English isn’t my native language, there may be some things that aren’t really well written all around.


I didn’t focused much on character descriptions because I wanted to focus on the overall idea. I tried to write in a very light style, to reinforce the humorous tone of the story.

I uploaded it to Dropbox, and you can read it here. It’s short, only eight and a half pages.


I appreciate any kind of feedback, good or bad. I am an amateur writer too, but I often only have the ideas and can’t develop then in full length short stories, this was one of the first times I had ideas for the beginning, development and ending :)

Thanks in advance!!!

Illustration for article titled LaLD crew, I want your feedback!