A couple new Tomica

A friend mine recently went to Japan, and I told him to "get me something". I was expecting some bizarre car magazines or a $100 cube shaped watermelon, but he brought me these. First, the police car:

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A Nissan March, which is a variant of the Micra. My friend thought this was amusing, claiming "my car could outrun that" (he drives a Prius C that he loathes a little more with each passing day). The casting is a little thick, and nothing appears to open:

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And a Nissan Ambulance, which is actually nicely detailed - lenses, etc.

Illustration for article titled A couple new Tomica
Illustration for article titled A couple new Tomica

And it opens:

Illustration for article titled A couple new Tomica

Pretty cool, and a fun surprise. They were 450 Yen apiece.