[HAWL] Vintage Tomica cars and playsets

I've probably overdone it - now and then my willpower and self-control fade a little. I recently picked up a some Tomica, and some "Pocket Cars" playsets. I'm not trying to show off, but I know some will get a kick out of this material:

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Illustration for article titled [HAWL] Vintage Tomica cars and playsets
Illustration for article titled [HAWL] Vintage Tomica cars and playsets

Some cool castings here - "old wheels" 70s JDM cars, SM, Unimog, 2000GT, Coronet, custom van, pickups, Winnebago etc. And the playsets are a thing for me, I remember these when I was a little kid, maybe 5 years old. I am pretty sure I had the conveyor and the garage. The big set is missing the ramp, but oh well - otherwise they are nice.

I learned of a local collector who was thinning out some of his well-kept stash, and I paid a visit. I came home with all this. Before anyone gets jealous, prices weren't flea market low - I will call them wholesale, or "good enough". Some of this stuff is just so hard to find, I figured, get them while I can. I might buy a few more from him too, a few I passed on will nag me - nice guy, has an amazing 80s Real Riders collection, and a bunch of Tomica he's keeping. These should keep Tomica reviews going for awhile.