REVIEW: Lesney Matchbox Hillman Minx

It’s Lesney Matchbox time again, technically a day early as I have a long day ahead tomorrow, and have free time now. Today we examine Lesney Matchbox 43a, the Hillman Minx. This casting entered the range in 1958, and was made until 1962. It is a popular model, no doubt because it has a charming look:

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Illustration for article titled REVIEW: Lesney Matchbox Hillman Minx

Detail is nice from all sides. It has a kind of chunky feeling compared to some Lesney Matchbox, I estimate scale to be 1:60 at the smallest, maybe just slightly larger. Nothing opens, no interior, the casting never had glazing - the tow hook is the play value:

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Illustration for article titled REVIEW: Lesney Matchbox Hillman Minx
Illustration for article titled REVIEW: Lesney Matchbox Hillman Minx
Illustration for article titled REVIEW: Lesney Matchbox Hillman Minx

Front and rear have the same quality, this casting has a mellow kind of soft look to it:

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Illustration for article titled REVIEW: Lesney Matchbox Hillman Minx

Base is typical Lesney Matchbox of this era:

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This one is lucky to have a crisp clean B box. With this exact box style and plastic wheels (it was introduced with metal wheels), it was likely made in 1959-60:

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This model shows something worth discussing - I think a few colors, and two tone cars, are prone to paint loss. It is really hard to find one of these with absolutely no flaws - it seems they will get a chip or two at high points just from sitting in the box. I think the paint process has something to do with it. This model has obviously never been played with - wheels and axles are fresh, silver paint is shiny, box is excellent, but it has a couple small areas of paint loss (none on the headlights, where playwear usually shows up). It’s just a thing. I have also noticed yellow cars seem to chip easy, or at least show it.

I am definitely glad to have this:

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Here’s my green one, a relatively rare variety that I ended up getting for free (repro box):

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I have a couple other two tones, too.

Here’s the real thing, I have always liked the look of this car - one where a reverse slant C-pillar works. Photo from me:

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