Surprise Saturday - Lesney Matchbox Service Stations

Another quick Saturday post, again breaking my tradition with Sunday-only material. I snapped a few quick pics of my Lesney Matchbox service stations/garages. I know some here like model buildings and dioramas. I am too lazy to get involved with model building, and I lack the space, but these are relatively close to the same idea. I have these crammed onto a shelf, and they are a good place to park loose models.

First, MG1a, made from 1959-61. I got this several years ago when I got back into collecting. This has a little garage and showroom, a service ramp, pump area, etc. It was something like $25, seemed fair:

Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday - Lesney Matchbox Service Stations

And MG1c, made from 1964-68. I found this at an estate sale last month, for $16, pumps and sign included. It was missing the lamps, which I was able to find later. I couldn’t resist, even though it is at the end of the period I collect. It is much more elaborate, with two levels and more showroom space, more glazing, garage space, a ramp at rear, etc:

Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday - Lesney Matchbox Service Stations

A couple angles, showing how these just barely fit in between pieces of an old stereo I have held onto for sentimental reasons. Looks like the caravan club prefers Esso:

Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday - Lesney Matchbox Service Stations
Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday - Lesney Matchbox Service Stations

And a head-on view showing a box for MG1a. This box actually contains a different set - one with a yellow building and red base. I don’t really have room for it, and the box is a safe place to keep it. Note how the box doesn’t say Lesney - these were made by another company for Lesney, as Lesney didn’t yet have the plastic making ability. MG1b onwards were made in-house:

Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday - Lesney Matchbox Service Stations

This is one I would like to find, MG1b, from 1961, pic from an auction house. These are pretty scarce:

Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday - Lesney Matchbox Service Stations

Maybe I will get around to actually reviewing the individual sets some day.

That is all.
