Surprise Saturday - Lesney Matchbox Road Signs Accessory Pack

It’s time again for something out of the ordinary. Today we examine Lesney Matchbox A4a, the Road Signs Accessory Pack. They are a charming period piece, and something one might expect from the earlier days of Lesney Matchbox:

Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday - Lesney Matchbox Road Signs Accessory Pack

These entered the range in 1960, and were only offered in a “B” type box. Because of this, I suspect they were discontinued in 1961 or by early 1962 at the latest, as this box type was replaced in 1961. The Accessory Pack range also included the garage and Home Stores diecast buildings I featured before. There are 8 signs - school, cattle, level crossing, bend, hospital, crossroads, roundabout, and double bend, all with a triangle warning at top. These look at home with castings of the same era, and no doubt had good play value on a layout:

Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday - Lesney Matchbox Road Signs Accessory Pack
Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday - Lesney Matchbox Road Signs Accessory Pack
Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday - Lesney Matchbox Road Signs Accessory Pack

The bases are marked similar to vehicles of the period:

Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday - Lesney Matchbox Road Signs Accessory Pack

These had a short production run and are uncommon, but not extremely expensive, so they are attainable, if one wants a set. I have another set with interesting superdetailing, but I can’t find it (maybe a sign my collection is too big). I am definitely happy to have these, they are necessary in a representative collection of Lesney Matchbox of this era, and they just fit:

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A 1:1 period sign from wikipedia:

Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday - Lesney Matchbox Road Signs Accessory Pack

That is all.