Surprise Saturday - Tomica Toyota Celica family reunion

Time again for something different. Today we take a look at the same car over a period of time, made by the same maker. Everyone is familiar with the Celica - the sporty Toyota coupe. Early ones are gaining value as collectibles, and are genuinely cool cars. Here’s a selection of Tomica Celicas spanning the ages:

Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday - Tomica Toyota Celica family reunion
Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday - Tomica Toyota Celica family reunion
Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday - Tomica Toyota Celica family reunion

And some closer shots. First, unboxed 1st gen models:

Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday - Tomica Toyota Celica family reunion

A normal fastback (which has box) and racer, showing that they are different castings:

Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday - Tomica Toyota Celica family reunion

This red 2nd gen (which seems to have escaped the group pics) and the racer are unboxed:

Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday - Tomica Toyota Celica family reunion

Boxed 1st gens:

Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday - Tomica Toyota Celica family reunion

Boxed 2nd gens:

Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday - Tomica Toyota Celica family reunion

Boxed 3rd gens:

Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday - Tomica Toyota Celica family reunion

I am sure you all know what the 1:1s look like, so no pics of those.

That is all
