[REVIEW] Tomica Nissan Silvia LS

Tomica time again along with Land of the Rising Sun-day, today we examine a casting that I think is a little gem. This is Tomica 62-2, the Nissan Silvia LS (S10). This casting entered the range in March, 1977, and remained until February, 1980. This is an excellent quality model that is a perfect representative of what I consider to be the golden age of Tomica:

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Illustration for article titled [REVIEW] Tomica Nissan Silvia LS

Detail abounds from all angles. Fine casting lines and likely near-perfect proportion give this a feel of precision. Scale is a claimed 1:60, which I believe is accurate. Of course, it has the snappy door action, crisp glazing, and springy suspension we all know and love. The wine red paint is finished perfectly, and suits the vehicle well. Wherever you look, it is just right:

Illustration for article titled [REVIEW] Tomica Nissan Silvia LS
Illustration for article titled [REVIEW] Tomica Nissan Silvia LS
Illustration for article titled [REVIEW] Tomica Nissan Silvia LS

Doors open to reveal a detailed interior and accurate steering wheel:

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Front and rear are just as well done:

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Illustration for article titled [REVIEW] Tomica Nissan Silvia LS

The base has some detail, as usual for the brand and era:

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This casting is fortunate enough to live in its original black box:

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This is definitely a casting I am happy to have in my collection. I had seen pics of it, and wanted it, but had to wait to find a mint one at the right price. Since then, I have found a yellow one (or two, I can’t remember) quite cheap, so be patient, they are out there. This was also issued in silver per my reference book, but I have never seen one in silver, might be rare. This is one where I like the real car, for its quirky 70s Astro Boy styling, and had to have the casting:

Illustration for article titled [REVIEW] Tomica Nissan Silvia LS

And a 1:1 from a youtube listing. These were also sold in NA as the first Datsun 200SX. I remember when I was a kid in the late 80s, the mother of a classmate had one. Such a weird car even then, but I didn’t think too much of it. They are virtually extinct now, as I suspect even a mild climate would make them dissolve, and owners probably didn’t care. A fun design:

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