[REVIEW] Lesney Matchbox ERF Petrol Tanker

Lesney Matchbox Sunday is upon us again. Today we examine a casting visually similar to one reviewed a couple months ago. This is Matchbox 11b, the second ERF Petrol tanker. This casting entered the range in 1958, and remained until 1964. It is a good representative example of Lesney Matchbox products at the time:

Illustration for article titled [REVIEW] Lesney Matchbox ERF Petrol Tanker
Illustration for article titled [REVIEW] Lesney Matchbox ERF Petrol Tanker

This model is an up-scaled version of 11a, reviewed a couple months ago:


A Matchbox Originals version of this design was also reviewed some time ago, I forget if it is based on 11a or 11b. Scale on this model is also small - larger than 11a, but not by much, I estimate it is around 1:100. Although it is small, there is ample detail, especially for the price point and age. This variant only exists in red, but was made with all wheel types of the dates of the production run: metal, grey plastic (seen here), silver plastic (high rarity), black plastic. There is no glazing or interior, as these were luxuries for the future in 1958, and this model did not receive them in its run, only receiving updated wheels with the passage of time. Because of this, it has the mellow charm one associates with 1950s era Lesney Matchbox:

Illustration for article titled [REVIEW] Lesney Matchbox ERF Petrol Tanker
Illustration for article titled [REVIEW] Lesney Matchbox ERF Petrol Tanker
Illustration for article titled [REVIEW] Lesney Matchbox ERF Petrol Tanker
Illustration for article titled [REVIEW] Lesney Matchbox ERF Petrol Tanker

The front and rear have similar qualities. The rear decal has aged well. By this time, the silver trim was mask painted rather than applied by hand:

Illustration for article titled [REVIEW] Lesney Matchbox ERF Petrol Tanker
Illustration for article titled [REVIEW] Lesney Matchbox ERF Petrol Tanker

The base is basic, but has more identification data than 11a:

Illustration for article titled [REVIEW] Lesney Matchbox ERF Petrol Tanker

This example is lucky enough to live in its original type “C” box. With this box type, it was probably made in 1961 or early 1962:

Illustration for article titled [REVIEW] Lesney Matchbox ERF Petrol Tanker

Definitely a casting I am glad to have in my collection. It contrasts with 11a, and is unusual for being in a short run C box. As with all of my models, I am thankful to have it:

Illustration for article titled [REVIEW] Lesney Matchbox ERF Petrol Tanker

As with 11a, I am unable to find a pic of a similar 1:1 ERF with a tanker body. Here’s a truck with a similar cab, from pinterest:

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