Surprise Saturday - Hoard Blowout Update

Note, this isn’t a sale thread. Just an update :)

The Porsche set will be for sale. It’s cool, but I don’t really have space for it, and it isn’t in my collecting realm:

Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday - Hoard Blowout Update

This morning, I took a preliminary inventory of the hoard. It took a couple hours, but now I have a basic idea of how I will proceed. I have a few busy weekends ahead, so the sale will be a little ways off, maybe a good time to put a few bucks aside, and clear space. Few items will be for sale individually, mostly in lots. For example, I have 69 carded Matchbox in that 1985-92 or so lot. They will be in lots of 10, and will be roughly their original price. I will divide the lots so each one has at least something I consider “cool”.

I am now aiming to start the sale the weekend before Memorial Day weekend. If the hosts frown upon a sale thread here (I should be a known entity by now), I will post it to my own kinja blog and link it here - I want to avoid the inconvenience of fb, and give people here first chance.


That is all.