Surprise Saturday: Estate Sale Hawl, with something a little different

There was an estate sale about a mile from me this morning, so instead of sleeping in and enjoying Saturday morning relaxation, I figured I would get up and put my name on a list at 6am to fight my way amongst the aggressive antique dealers for potential treasures.

The most diecast-related thing I found was this Lesney Matchbox BP pump and sign set:

Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday: Estate Sale Hawl, with something a little different
Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday: Estate Sale Hawl, with something a little different

Of course the light posts are missing, but reproductions are easy to find. Someone here needed the sign, right? I swear someone mentioned it. This little 60s era set will be for sale when I put the hoard up for sale hopefully next month.


There was some other diecast, mostly 70s era Dinky and Corgi type material. Not boxed, not completely mint, not bargain priced, so I didn’t take any of it. Funny thing was, as I was leaving, someone bought a bunch of it. It was barely cheaper than ebay, as far as I can tell. Hope they wanted it.

The reason I went to the sale was to look at some old Lego I saw in the ad. Prices seemed low, so I bought it all. One seldom sees this 70s era stuff:

Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday: Estate Sale Hawl, with something a little different
Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday: Estate Sale Hawl, with something a little different

The boxes seem to be in decent shape, and they all have instructions tucked away in a flap in the box top:

Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday: Estate Sale Hawl, with something a little different
Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday: Estate Sale Hawl, with something a little different

These are mostly predecessors of what would become Technic sets. The go-kart is very familiar to me, I am certain I had one as a Technic set in the mid 80s (but I think mine had an operating piston):

Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday: Estate Sale Hawl, with something a little different
Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday: Estate Sale Hawl, with something a little different

This is a big set:

Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday: Estate Sale Hawl, with something a little different
Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday: Estate Sale Hawl, with something a little different

Unfortunately, the cool Space Command (I think one of the first modern series sets, from 1978) box was used for baseplate and instructions storage. These have to be sought by someone:

Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday: Estate Sale Hawl, with something a little different
Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday: Estate Sale Hawl, with something a little different

There were also a few loose bricks (I see the black belt for the power pack) and assembled models in the lot. Not sure of the age of these:

Illustration for article titled Surprise Saturday: Estate Sale Hawl, with something a little different

I am not sure about the completeness of these sets, or if bricks may be mixed from set to set. That’s for the next owner to decide. Yes, I thought they were cool when I bought them, but I can’t branch out into this. They will be for sale with the hoard.

On an unrelated note, I remember some people liked the old radio I posted some time ago. Last night I made a little video of it in action. The video is a little dark, as I wanted to capture the soothing dial light, which is a little more muted in person. The old set has a very nice tone:

That is all.