[REVIEW] Tomica Porsche 930 Turbo

Tomica time, Land of the Rising Sun-day, is here again. It’s been awhile since we’ve seen a Tomica model of a German car, and this super sports Beetle is as German as it gets. This is Tomica 1-2, the Porsche 930 Turbo. This casting entered the range in July 1979, and is a real beauty:

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Illustration for article titled [REVIEW] Tomica Porsche 930 Turbo

I reviewed another variant of this casting on one of my first posts here:


This version features a louder color. The 911/930 Turbo is a legend of the era, known by some as “the widowmaker” due to its abrupt power delivery and rear-engined handling traits (I recall Pelle Lindbergh being claimed in a red slantnose 930) and is now a valuable car due to the brand being trendy for monied men of a certain age. This Tomica casting is nothing short of excellent. Cars of such rounded shapes are difficult to cast accurately, and Tomica did it as nicely as possible. Detail and proportion appear accurate, and the tampos are nothing short of excellent.  Scale is claimed to be 1:61, likely accurate as usual.  This model sits on button wheels, as apparently all did but the silver variant posted above - I think the wider wheels are much more accurate and somewhat resemble period Porsche wheels, but these are fine. Of course, this casting has the crisp glazing, snappy door action, and springy suspension we all know and love about vintage Tomica. From all angles, there’s no mistaking it for anything else:

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Illustration for article titled [REVIEW] Tomica Porsche 930 Turbo
Illustration for article titled [REVIEW] Tomica Porsche 930 Turbo

Doors open to reveal a detailed interior and accurate steering wheel:

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Front and rear have similar quality detail, with the accurately shaped hood crest, cast-in Porsche lettering on the rear fascia, and the rear window wiper being nice touches:

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Illustration for article titled [REVIEW] Tomica Porsche 930 Turbo

The base is plastic, a trend of the time, and features ample technical and identifying detail:

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This unboxed model is definitely one I am pleased to have in my collection. It is quite a memorable color, and quite a nice high quality casting of a legendary car:

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A vivid green 930 from sloanmotorcars.com:

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Illustration for article titled [REVIEW] Tomica Porsche 930 Turbo