Channeling the 32.

Illustration for article titled Channeling the 32.

I stopped by a flea market today and was able to find the right wheels for the two project Fords mcnr87 got me into. I thought I would take a page from him and share a quick how-to on a sort of channeled version of his design.

Illustration for article titled Channeling the 32.
Illustration for article titled Channeling the 32.

drawing illustration: follow mcnr87 axle installation from his 32 Highboy with Attitude post. Next use a Dremel cutting wheel to chop of a few bits. Just remove the areas that I stripped with Yellow and purple. The chassis will slide up into the body of the car rather than the body sitting on it.

Illustration for article titled Channeling the 32.

You can see the butt of the chassis is just cut completely off and the Dremel marks on the body from removing metal that would have stopped the chassis from sitting in the body. It’s not the most beautiful work but I wasn’t sure it would work so I didn’t really take my time with it.

Illustration for article titled Channeling the 32.
Illustration for article titled Channeling the 32.
Illustration for article titled Channeling the 32.
Illustration for article titled Channeling the 32.