Turning a one Eighty.

I may take some flak for doing this to a 180sx but I assure you the rear glass was beyond saving. I’ve been lucky to have some time to play more and more with diecasts but today I learned you can take it too far. Not really happy with this one. I was going for a sort of future apocalypse Mad Max thing and I’m just not feeling it... Kind of getting Transformers meets Back to the Future vibes. Certainly going to tone down the next custom.

Illustration for article titled Turning a one Eighty.
Illustration for article titled Turning a one Eighty.
Illustration for article titled Turning a one Eighty.
Illustration for article titled Turning a one Eighty.
Illustration for article titled Turning a one Eighty.
Illustration for article titled Turning a one Eighty.
Illustration for article titled Turning a one Eighty.
Illustration for article titled Turning a one Eighty.
Illustration for article titled Turning a one Eighty.
Illustration for article titled Turning a one Eighty.