
Nissan. We probably see em all the time on the road, as they are a common car brand. A little hard to imagine this same company made this monstrous beauty in black.

I don’t think this car needs an introduction. Let’s get right to it. Did I mention it’s gorgeous in black?

Illustration for article titled Godzilla.
Illustration for article titled Godzilla.

The GT-R has a rather long history, but I believe this car is when it made a debut.

Illustration for article titled Godzilla.
Illustration for article titled Godzilla.

Did I mention it’s gorgeous in black?

Illustration for article titled Godzilla.
Illustration for article titled Godzilla.

My favorite car in my favorite color, all thanks to androoo :D. The P1 is second. I really love the Kyosho P1, that’s why I picked my name.