A red monster; Hot Wheels '15 Dodge Charger SRT(Hellcat).

This car....where do I even begin with this car? Wait, I know; I. love. this. thing. Seriously, whoever at Dodge decided/said “Hey, let’s take our Charger 4-door, and, give it a massive engine and 707 horsepower” is a genius. I mean, it’s a 4-door that has a top speed of about 204 miles per hour. How can you not love something so insane? It’s awesome. I actually like this more than the Challenger Hellcat, both in 1:1 and 1:64. Now, onto the casting....

It’s a good casting. Sure, no tampos on the front and back, but it’s a good enough casting. I stupidly passed over this twice at Target, but thanks to Kimba, I’ve got this monsterous American sedan in my collection :D

Illustration for article titled A red monster; Hot Wheels 15 Dodge Charger SRT(Hellcat).
Illustration for article titled A red monster; Hot Wheels 15 Dodge Charger SRT(Hellcat).

Dubai could probably afford like twenty of these to add to their police fleet.

Illustration for article titled A red monster; Hot Wheels 15 Dodge Charger SRT(Hellcat).
Illustration for article titled A red monster; Hot Wheels 15 Dodge Charger SRT(Hellcat).

So yeah, if you don’t have this casting already, get it, because this car is awesome. It could use more detail on the front and back, but it’s good enough for me. I bet you that somewhere, there’s a dad that’s the coolest dad on the block, because he has this car in 1:1.


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