Matchbox Alfa Romeo 4C

I am actually considering getting the Kyosho model of this car, because the 4c is really cool, and I am definitely a fan of the 1:1, and I’ll go into that after the pictures. The Matchbox version is also well done if you ask me. Obviously, it’s no Kyosho, but still, it’s a well done casting:

Illustration for article titled Matchbox Alfa Romeo 4C
Illustration for article titled Matchbox Alfa Romeo 4C
Illustration for article titled Matchbox Alfa Romeo 4C

Pretty good Matchbox model if you ask me. Hope we see it in the 2017 Matcbox line-up as well. As for the 1:1, I think it is an excellent return for Alfa Romeo in the U.S. Market. It’s not the fastest car to come from Italy, obviously, but, it still has style, good looks, and would probably make all your friends jealous(unless you have some really rich friends). You would expect such a nice car to cost in upwards of $100k, but nope, the 2016 model is around $55-$56k. Yeah, guess you can call that expensive still, but still, it’s a lot more attainable that other Italian cars, such as the nearly $400k Aventador and the nearly $320K F12, and as for non-Italian cars, as much as I love the GT-R and recently, the AMG GT, the 4c is like half of what those two cost, and those are still somewhat more attainable than an Aventador or F12, since their base price is around $110k-$115k, give or take. So, the 4C a stylish car that has the good looks, but, it’s actually an attainable car. Maybe not everyone, but definitely a lot more people could afford the 4c than an Aventador or F12(and I love both of those cars as well, but you get the idea). Guess you could call the 4c the budget Italian sports car :P.