Matchbox is releasing a lot of good stuff in 2018, but then I realized something...

Those are just the new models. There’s still a bunch of awesome models that can make a return.

Ford F-150 Lightning, BMW 328i, Lincoln Navigator, Citoren DS, SL55 AMG, E-Type, Cayenne, Volvo C30, Morgan Aeromax, Holden Ute, TVR Tuscan, etc. Anything is game. If Audi is somehow still around, perhaps the RS6 can come back too.


If Matchbox is truly trying to return to what it once was, anything licensed from the 2000s that they still can release has a chance at coming back. Cross your fingers, as something you missed out on years ago might return. Of course, distribution seems to be an issue, but, with that New Models line-up alone, maybe stores will realize that they will sell.