A Pretty Decent Hawl

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Like many collectors I had pretty much given up on finding any 2014 Supers. The Wal-Marts and Targets have moved on to 2015 cases (there are even some 2015 C case cars on eBay!). And the stores that still have older cases on the pegs (such as, I don't know, the F case) have had collectors combing through them for months and months. Here was a scene from my local KMart recently:

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Anyone looking for a Mitsubishi Eclipse Concept Fire Chief from 2013?

As Diecaster-in-Chief and obviously a Hot Wheel collector (er, addict?) I still feel the compulsion to check the pegs. Even though the possibility is remote, any place that scalpers don't door warm daily might have had something, anything interesting that managed to slip through. I've had decent luck at places like Rite Aid, Albertsons, WalGreens, and auto part stores finding cars long since gone from the traditional outlets. Cars with FTE wheels, track stars, Flying Customs and Cool Classics and the ilk. Yes, they usually tend to be more expensive but almost never more than eBay prices + shipping . Even if they are more expensive, those eBay sellers are the ones that hoarded all the desirable cars in the first place. I mean, why would you need 30 Zamac Twin Mill 3s?


In any case, on this day I went to a WalMart Neighborhood Market (where I'd once seen at least 10 Zamac AE86s. The regular mainline looks an awful lot like a Zamac anyway so I passed on those). They had a few A case cars but nothing I needed or didn't already have. I then stopped at Safeway and found a basically new Sidekick that had just been raided...it still had plenty of desirable but not particularly valuable cars, such as the silver '63 DB5s for instance). Resigned I left for home making one last stop at the Walgreens on the way. Walgreens rarely has more than a couple pegs filled with cars no one really wants. Still I have to check....


They did have those two pegs with nothing notable, but they'd also filled up an endcap and obviously quite recently. The pegs were completely packed with fresh F case cars. Excitedly I went through all the red LaFerraris, Scions, and Homers but the only thing of note was a Loop Coupe regular Treasure Hunt. Oh well.

I went to the check out line and while waiting for a manager to come scan a code or something for the people trying to buy beer in front of me I noticed some more Hot Wheels basically at knee level off to my right. If I hadn't had to wait I doubt I would have even noticed them. Despite expecting nothing I flipped through them while we all waited in line. I came across two more Loop Coupe Treasure Hunts and a few '55 Gassers. It's not my favorite casting and I already own one so I didn't look at them much. But then I noticed one with what seemed like some writing on one of the tires...

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Hmmmmm.... I didn't recall that tire on my version at home. Then I found another 55 Gasser on an adjacent peg and compared the two. (Keep in mind this whole time I was next in line, waiting impatiently for a manager to come to the checkout and scan his card so the couple in front of me could buy their 6 pack of beer.)


Looking at one of the cars without writing on the tires and comparing it I also noticed a couple of extra tampos on the roof and truck and then I realized......

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( I didn't even notice the "TH" until later night :P )

The manager finally arrived and I was able to buy my Hot Wheels. When I walked out of the store I had so much adrenaline that it almost felt like I had gotten away with something! Needless to say, though, it was a great feeling. I hope all LaLD'ers get to experience it and the scalpers don't beat them to it first.

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Happy Hunting!

For some basic info on Treasure Hunts, you may want to check out this article: