Custom Blends

Ok, I'm running out of white and silver cars now. I've been doing some "intense" dyeing over the last couple of days and been experimenting with pretty much whatever I think might turn out cool. I've been playing around with the basics like intensity of heat and length of time. Last night I started mixing up various powdered and liquid dyes to create unique colors. Here I present you with Jeff's Magical Custom Purple (the secret, strangely, was adding an entire bottle of liquid grey dye):

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Illustration for article titled Custom Blends

This yellow was a re-use and did not come out nearly as intense as I was hoping for (it is a Lambo after all), but I think it's still pretty stylish.

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Family portrait.

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I removed all the tampos except the one + magical purple, of course

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Illustration for article titled Custom Blends

This was a ZAMAC. I think I may have left it in too long to get the Spectraflame look I achieved with the Skyline ZAMAC earlier

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Speaking of which, I sent to Philip for detailing:

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Incredible work! Check out the green rims!

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Is a Testerossa in green blasphemy? (Thanks to my secret super for this one!)

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Oddly (and awesomely) it dyed the wheels as well.

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This also started as a ZAMAC, and was technically my first custom when I scrubbed off the tampos. The dye here is actually a watered down black. I dig the shine from the undercoat.

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Here's an orange one from earlier with the purple in the background

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Finally, this formerly silver 'vette came out pretty well.

Thanks for checking them out!