HAWL Week, Day 3: WalMart

Welcome to LaLD’s Hawl week! Show off (or link to) the best finds you’ve had at these retailers:

Monday: KMart

Tuesday: Target

Wednesday: WalMart

Thursday: Toys “R” Us

Friday: The Others (Kroger, Meijer, grocery chains)

Saturday: Anywhere, ever!


So far we’ve had two retailers that, in my experience at least, have very much underwhelmed in producing hawls over the last few years.

So today, we are talking about the largest retailer in the world and certainly the place that offers the most Hot Wheels and the most exclusives in the US (ZAMACs of course, but they even get exclusive wheel variations, colors, not to mention special series like the recent Porsche 8 pack).


Besides being home to the messiest Hot Wheel aisles you will ever encounter, WalMarts feature everyone’s least favorite Hot Wheel delivery system, the dump bin. You will often see collectors up to their elbows in cars. I’ve shied away from dump bins as of late, but often when I decide to tackle one I will be joined by other collectors. Aside: the last dump bin I went through with a couple of guys had them placing the overflow on top of another display, then they just wandered away. Thus leaving me to put them back. Thanks dudes.

I’m sure you’ve had Hawls here, but of course being the biggest Hot Wheel retailer also means being the first stop for collectors, making it the most competitive. You also have a large stable of employees (some possibly even encouraged by their employer to apply for food stamps), a few of who are likely familiar with Hot Wheels values. I suspect my location in the city has prevented any truly impressive Hawls. I usually bypass the Hot Wheels and head to the M2 and Auto World sections when I go to WalMarts at all, lately. So here is one of my favorite hawls, a WalMart exclusive:

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Illustration for article titled HAWL Week, Day 3: WalMart
Illustration for article titled HAWL Week, Day 3: WalMart
Illustration for article titled HAWL Week, Day 3: WalMart
Illustration for article titled HAWL Week, Day 3: WalMart

What have you come across?