Hidden Features: The Mega Thrust ...er, Night Burner

It’s been a significant time since I wrote up a Hidden Features post (practically a year in fact!) If you missed the first one, here’s a quick run down of the Fig Rig:


When putting together my eBay Insanity Index of 2007 Super Treasure Hunts I came across this quite odd fantasy casting, The Mega Thrust. The first thing that threw me off was that it didn’t appear in the Hot Wheels’ Wikia. Sure there are a lot of gaps in that particular site, but to be missing a Super?

Illustration for article titled Hidden Features: The Mega Thrust ...er, Night Burner

This is the Mega Thrust regular TH. In 2007 all treasure hunts were released in both regular TH and Super TH versions.

Eventually I figured it out, and realized I even own one!

Only introduced a year before making TH/STH, this casting by Phil Riehlman obviously did not re-capture the magic of, say, the Custom VW Drag Bus. I’ve stared at it from multiple angles and yet can’t seem to understand what it’s going for. It does feature one trick, though. According to the Hot Wheels Wiki, if you blow into the exhaust it causes an interior turbine to spin and produces

a kazoo/whistle type sound

Despite this bonus feature, the Mega Thrust remains little loved by those who collect Hot Wheels. Just the next year, the Mega Thrust was renamed, becoming the Night Burner. Any mention of a dual life as a kazoo has been removed from the packaging. Like, say, the Qombee it would’ve seemed a quick fade into obscurity was in order.

Illustration for article titled Hidden Features: The Mega Thrust ...er, Night Burner

Somewhat remarkably, Hot Wheels has not given up on this casting, however, as it has continued to appear in special editions and yet again was given a turn as a Treasure Hunt (of the Regular variety) in 2014. In fact I actually own one, but have not tried blowing into its exhaust.


The Symbol of the Flame has revitalized it somewhat, but I’m still not sure it has much of a future. My advice to Mattel would be to start placing this model in every new track and multi-pack. Imagine the 4 year old who gets this from their grandparent only to accidentally discover it’s also a musical instrument! That kid will become a collector for life. :)

Sources: http://hotwheels.wikia.com/wiki/; amazon.com; hwcollectors.com