Thursday on the Thames - fresh from the mailbox

While perusing the auctions on ebay, I came across a lot of 7 Rolls Royces. Nothing too fancy. After looking through all the photos, I couldn’t help but notice the lack of Rolls Royces. This Morgan is what made me bid.

Illustration for article titled Thursday on the Thames - fresh from the mailbox
Illustration for article titled Thursday on the Thames - fresh from the mailbox
Illustration for article titled Thursday on the Thames - fresh from the mailbox

I honestly don’t know anything about this one. I believe it might be

Illustration for article titled Thursday on the Thames - fresh from the mailbox

Here’s the lone Rolls.

Illustration for article titled Thursday on the Thames - fresh from the mailbox

None of them appear to be in terrible shape. The Morgan is missing the windshield, but doesn’t look horrible.

Illustration for article titled Thursday on the Thames - fresh from the mailbox
Illustration for article titled Thursday on the Thames - fresh from the mailbox
Illustration for article titled Thursday on the Thames - fresh from the mailbox

From the auction pics, I thought I was buying some projects to rearrange or paint. In person they really look fantastic. The only one that might get opened is the Bugatti that apparently lived in a bathtub for 30+ years. I’m not sure if I will even open that one. Besides a bit of rust under it, the paint is great. These two British beauties are all I will share today.

Well, maybe a little teaser...

Illustration for article titled Thursday on the Thames - fresh from the mailbox

If you have any info on the Morgan, please let me know what it is... I couldn’t find a reference photo with the same wheels. Enjoy your Thursday everyone.