Teutonic Tuesday- The tiny tampos are terrific

It’s time to open some little plastic boxes

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The E55s box is a bit damaged. My parents taught me that it’s what’s on the inside that counts. lol

Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday- The tiny tampos are terrific
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday- The tiny tampos are terrific

Again, the badges are so small that my potato phone camera is having a hard time photographing them.

Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday- The tiny tampos are terrific

I love the wheels on both of them. Really done well.


I had to take the Benz outside to get a better pic of that V8 Kompressor badge.

Please excuse the black paint on my finger
Please excuse the black paint on my finger

I got 5 of these little cars in a lot I won. There was some good HW in the lot, but these guys made me bid on it.

Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday- The tiny tampos are terrific

I have no idea why the M3 has those holes in the base. None of the other ones have that.

Enjoy your Tuesday diecasters.