Silhouette Saturday with a little Winnebago Wednesday

Finally, my intense work week is over. I only work 3 days, but they are long and back breaking. I’ve been absent minded this week thinking about opening my Silhouette. As soon as I got home I grabbed the drill. BUT!!! I’ll start with the Winnie...

Illustration for article titled Silhouette Saturday with a little Winnebago Wednesday

I bought this from shop-teacher last week. It arrived on Thursday, with a couple Square body Chevys (of course).

The one on the right had a snowplow at one time
The one on the right had a snowplow at one time

I’m sure you all can guess what will happen to this pair of trucks... The RV will not be a quick turn around. I need to figure out the wings and rocket boosters. That might take a while. (Spaceballs)

Now for that 67 Silhouette.

I’ll be honest here I was not expecting the inside to be as complicated as it is.

Illustration for article titled Silhouette Saturday with a little Winnebago Wednesday

I knew the old ones had the curly axle, but I thought the right and left wheels were connected by that crazy shaped axle... Not on this one.

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It’s 4 separate axles crimped in there in multiple spots.

Illustration for article titled Silhouette Saturday with a little Winnebago Wednesday

What the heck!!! My needle files are gonna get a serious workout. I have some Redline wheels on the way (courtesy of Ebay), but none of them look like those front wheels. Dang it! More shopping needed.

I can’t help but talk about the craziness that happened at work. They gave us all free spray paint this weekend (I work for Rust-oleum). I might have gotten a bit carried away trying to fill in the gaps in my color selection. OK, I got extremely carried away. Here’s a pic of some (yes I said some) of my FREE paint HAWL.

There are at least 11 cans not in this picture.
There are at least 11 cans not in this picture.

Holy cow! & The stuff I use to replicate Spectraflame.... I got both colors I needed.

Illustration for article titled Silhouette Saturday with a little Winnebago Wednesday

So, the McLaren is getting drilled tomorrow. Twas a good day.

Thanks for checkin out my stuff. Enjoy what’s left of your weekend.