Mail Call!!!!

The mailbox was very kind to me today.

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The box on the left came from vdubyajohn. Here are some of the highlights. I love the 32 Ford casting. 

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I forgot I asked for the type 34. How cool is this weird Monster Jam F-150?

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That was a very cool box of goodies.

The other box was a wheel donor purchase from plasticprints.

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I shouldn’t need any wheels for a while.

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Thanks to them both for quick shipping and excellent packaging.

My favorite is the Aeromax.

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What a weird car.

On a side note... I saw online today that Hot wheels is going to be putting I.D. cars in mainline cards. Like a treasure hunt type of thing. I find that to be pretty cool. Those cars are out of the price range of some. Letting people get them for a buck is a classy move.