Craigslist HAWL

A woman on Craigslist posted a large collection of Hot Wheels for $300 about a month ago. I told her I was interested in buying some, but not the whole lot. Today I went over lunch to see what she had, and I came away with these 10. I first offered $5, she countered $15, and we settled on $10. I absolutely love that first one, top left—the Rally Escort! Probably my next fave is the M Roadster. A few I grabbed thinking they were interesting and could be good for trading on LALD. See any you like? If I remember correctly, left side: Escort, Jag, Viper, Merc, BMW; right: Viper, Panoz, Mini, Dairy, ???.

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This lady had four tubs of cars, including a bunch of Johnny Lightnings and Matchboxes. I felt a little uneasy there, so I was trying to be quick and stick to looking through the HWs (hoping to find some JDM cars, but no luck). Should I have grabbed the duplicates of the Panoz and Dairy Delivery? There were a lot of great cars, the majority being American muscle, though I'm not really interested in them as much.