Friday Find: Cool Classics

Super pumped to see the new Cool Classics 510 Bluebird and 240Z this morning at Wal-Mart. And because I’m a model LALDer, I left the other two 510s for others to enjoy finding.

Illustration for article titled Friday Find: Cool Classics
Illustration for article titled Friday Find: Cool Classics

Here’s the new 510 with the old Faster Than Ever 510s.

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Illustration for article titled Friday Find: Cool Classics
Illustration for article titled Friday Find: Cool Classics
Illustration for article titled Friday Find: Cool Classics

And here’s the new Z with the Zamac Z that came out a while ago (thank you, HWEP!). I’m showing them together so you can see how the silver paint differs from the unpainted silver metal.

Illustration for article titled Friday Find: Cool Classics
Illustration for article titled Friday Find: Cool Classics

Thanks for looking!