Vacation HAWL

I mentioned that I'm on vacation in a previous post, and the location in question is Taiwan. The vacation spot is special to me is because Taiwan was my birth country, my real home. I wish I could do a HAWL report on Hot Wheels but sadly the cases are ancient (cars from last year). But I did however, score some awesome Tomica cars, these are just a few pictured I bought more cars than these including a Tomicarama car dealership that I will use in future photoshoots. I would update my HAWL soon but for now, enjoy these pics.

Illustration for article titled Vacation HAWL
Illustration for article titled Vacation HAWL
Illustration for article titled Vacation HAWL
Illustration for article titled Vacation HAWL
Illustration for article titled Vacation HAWL
Illustration for article titled Vacation HAWL
Illustration for article titled Vacation HAWL
Illustration for article titled Vacation HAWL
Illustration for article titled Vacation HAWL