HW Report

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Just when I thought all hope was lost on doing a HW report on my vacation, I lady luck came and save the day. I recently went to a local grocery store and found out they carried HWs, the cars are from the 2014 N cases which feels like millenniums ago but consider that in Taiwan finding HW (if you're lucky because they're very scarce over here), most are from 2011 or even from 2010 making these pretty recent stocks.

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The price for these over here is a tad steep at $79NT (Taiwan Dollar). To give a perspective on the price, $1 US equals roughly $31NT making these mainlines a little over $2.50 US. I went through the pegs and was able to come across a Custom '71 El Camino regular TH.

Illustration for article titled HW Report

I left the car there since it's not a casting I fancy (plus the black New Model version look so much better) and let some other kid find it. This latest find gave me some faith that more HW can be found elsewhere, and so, I went on my search and came across a Toys R' Us in a mall. The cars and price are exactly the same as the grocery store and there was no interesting find. My search will continue until the day I go back to the states, so stay tuned.